U2 - No Line on the Horizon
After seeing U2’s limp debut performance of the song “Get on your Boots” during the Grammy telecast last month, I was all too ready to dismissed their latest release as weak filler from a “legacy band” struggling to keep relevant. But now that I’ve actually listened to No Line On The Horizon for the last couple weeks, I’m relieved to say that the new album is a lot stronger than I expected. I suppose it’s easy to be a bit cynical about one of the world’s most popular rock bands especially with someone as outspoken as Bono as your frontman. But with No Line on the Horizon, they demonstrate once again that they’re still capable of delivering the goods.
With familiar faces behind the recording console (Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois and Steve Lillywhite), the band plows through the new material with energetic enthusiasm. Honestly, it’s not a perfect album and definitely won’t be considered their *best* album but there are some moments of bliss sprinkled throughout that keep the listener coming back for more. The multilayered aspect of the recordings provide listeners depth when the album is put on repeat. Indeed, there are some missteps such as those clunky techno-speak lyrics in “Unknown Caller” (Force quit and move to trash, Restart and re-boot yourself). But overall, NLOTH is an enjoyable album, nonetheless.